Friday, November 5, 2010

Nov 5th..condoms, not chocolates

OH man...I opened the newspaper and read that a couple in Silverton, Oregon handed out condoms to teenage trick or treaters...I'm shocked..I truly am!! What happened to our country...our world? Now it's "very nerdy" to be a wait until marriage to make's just another activity on a date like sippin on a cola or going to a movie. God's beautiful gift has been cheapened. He wanted that to be the most special thing for a man and woman in love, committed and promising to honor and cherish one another in marriage. Now it's so polluted that it's ugly. Guess that's the down side of living to be nearly remember when...and long for those beautiful days of innocence. People's honeymoons..well weddings, too, are just a party. Wedding nights are no longer special for couples to discover, enjoy and experience anew this gift from God. Many are already living as man and wife. It's very very sad to me.


Bob said...

On my first date with Nita we went into a chapel to pray together before we drove to a nearby Red Woods park and some beaches for an outing and picnic. I was a youth minister and had living arrangements with the pastor and his wife at the time so the chapel was always open to me. That prayer has lasted 43 years now. All we can do now is set an example of Gods Design.

Flo said...

sweet!!! You know I've been married a couple times 35 and 57...both times waited til honeymoon...some thought I was nuts at that age to hold off..but God's way doesn't change just cuz we're adults right?