Friday, August 24, 2012

garage sales

Your junk is my junk.  Walked down the block to check the garage sales.  Junk junk oh wait..those are cute.  $2.50 for a nice pair of shoes..yeah..oh and these are cute, too..another 2.50.  5.00 bucks for 2 pair of shoes...not bad.  I raced back to my house to get cash..he has to have cash..thanks NEIGHBOR!! Anyway I get them home and the left one kills my foot..but he took it back..thanks for sincere Neighbor!

One time I went to my daughter's garage sale..saw the Christmas gift I'd given her.  Still in the box unused.  I said nothing and didn't buy it..

Some people get in their cars and make a day of it at nearly 4.00 a gallon for gas.  They go to sales listed in the paper.  This is serious junk shopping!!!  I should look for a car seat for my grandbaby who I'll be babysitting soon..I bet they're out there!!!