Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13

Hmmm...I'm being productive today..what's up with that? Possessed? My granddaughter Mia is coming today..but she's only 7 and could care less if I've got a clean house or sorted out closet. She might care that I've got dinner prep underway, tho.

I should go for a walk. That's where productivity stops it seems. Lonely business walking alone. I have IPOD and that should make me feel accompanied, but it doesn't. Weather is neither sunny nor raining which means it could go either way..yeah..that's it..that's my excuse..I don't know what to wear outside cuz it's iffy. That's my story and I'm stickin to it! Ok bye.


Bob said...

I like walking alone here in Sun City. Just me and God are the best combo ever. But I like walking with Nita as well. It is a good time to talk together. Nita asks me everyday about the temperature so she can wear the proper clothes for what ever it will be. Most of the time I am accurate but have given her a temperature that was off a bit. Cheers!