Monday, July 30, 2012

good Monday morning July 30

Ok I've had my coffee..where's that chef with my breakfast??  Swine maid still hasn't made my bed either.  I think I'll have to do it myself.

It Monday, the sun ain't shinin..but I'm alive and I think I heard the devil muttering "oh no..she's up" when my feet hit the floor.

Buyin groceries is my first errand..found a recipe for a summery salad..yeah about a 100 ingredients, but it had a picture of it with recipe so I fell in love.

You all have a good day, you poor working stiffs!!!  Ok, that was mean.  Sorry. (no she's not..she's bragging cuz she is retired.)


Bob said...

I am not working but I feel stiff so that means I am a retired stiff. Oh the joys of back pain, just took some pain killer to relieve the stiff and its ouches. Oh well welcome to 70

Flo said...

I get stiff when I when we go to the movies..I need to "unwind" myself from my seat. Remember, YOU are charting the waters for me!! Talked to Carolyn, she saw dr today and seems to be in better spirits. What happens is she has symptoms and gets scared and imagines all sorts of bad news (I do the same thing) but after seeing the dr it puts it into perspective.