Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Saw the movie "Courageous" this last weekend. Wow!! Come on guys..I double dog dare you to go see that movie!! Want to be a better dad? Do it!! There's lessons in there for women too, but your kids need their daddies!!! I did not have a good father and my oldest did not grow up with a daddy and it was tough bananas!!! Nothing like a godly father, with leadership in love and good example to raise up good kids!! I lucked out with my older daughter that's for sure!!! She is the exception to the rule.


Bob said...

I have a 3rd grade boy in my art class who's father is or was in Prison. He shows me all the time with pride the art his dad did while in prison. This is a really tough road ahead for him. He is a really nice boy and once said I look like his PAPA (grandfather in spanish) God has me in this class for him and all the other kids. So many kids with difficult futures.