Thursday, October 6, 2011


While many are mourning the loss of a technical tycoon, Steve Jobs, I'm mourning the loss of a teenager I didn't even know. Cody Myers. He was a godly Christian young man of 19 who was at the right place at the wrong time and became a victim of two killers. It's a loss so great one cannot help but ponder God and why He didn't stop this senseless killing. I have no answers except to say God is still on the throne and I will trust that He didn't look the other way when this happened, but will somehow use it for good. Being a Christian, Cody is with the Lord now so one can take some comfort in that.

I don't know where Mr. Jobs stood with the Lord. Hopefully, in the midst of all his creativity and wealth God was lifted up higher. He is our only hope, especially in the end.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for the loss of the teenager. As with Charlie's death we too wonder why God didn't do it differently too. There was so much prayer going up for Charlie that I still have trouble with why he wasn't healed. We can see God's hand in it now that we have had time to look back on it at least we can see how God was working even if it wasn't the way we wanted it to be. I still grieve for my mom and Charlies death and probably will for awhile longer I presume. When you feel so numb from the 2 deaths so close together it hurts twice a much I believe. I have to get my mind back to where I was before the 2 deaths but I believe it will come and I will feel normal again. Love ya Flo!!! Nita

Bob said...

I owe my computer career and my great retirment to Steve Jobs. Back in the mid 80's I learned to program the Apple 2e in a class I was taking to get off wellfare. Steve made the computers so simple that it was easy for me to learn and get into a great career. He was a great man with an even greater vision. His religion is somehow related to ZEN but this does not matter to me. I leave whatever a persons belief is in Gods hands. I can only know one thing in my life and that is Christ.
Jobs once said that everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die to get there and this includes all Christians. We talk a lot about it, even boast how wonderful it will be but we all prefer to live as long as we can and don't relish the suffering that is likely to happen. Somehow Jobs understood this. So where he went again is not my business. I am to live as long as I can showing others the best path forward. BOB