Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Two Different Shoes

My six year old granddaughter Mia came over for the night. She had on two different shoes..haha. Not real noticable, however. This morning she wanted me to read this HUGE library book two minutes before leaving to take her to school. When I said no time..down she went and these feet with mismatched shoes were kicking the floor...what is that??? She had never had a tantrum before. I told her there wasn't time for that either and to get her coat on. All this was happening in the doorway to my bathroom where I was "trapped". Couldn't hug her or anything..first things first yanno.

So, when we arrived near her school a couple minutes early, I pulled into Toys R Us parking lot and read her a few pages of the book. Grandmas do stuff like that!!!


Bob said...

Last year I showed up to work with 2 different shoes on. No one noticed. It was time to retire. Mia and I have something in common but I don't have tantrums just a bit of a temper from time to time. This morning during my walk, I said: "If you feel like stopping, don't, push on a bit more" I did just that and behold the bueaty of the Lord rewarded my efforts

Flo said...

I did find a scripture that indicates God understands us NON morning people.. Prov 27:14 ... I have a temper problem also!! Mostly in connection with Christmas tree lights that go out after tree is all decorated..grrrr. Mia got over her fit pretty quickly!!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Now that's what I call a major tantrum! Kids are so cool :-)