Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hello this grey Tuesday

Babysitting Briley again.  I got up from MY nap before her's is over so hopefully I can finish this short blog.

We enjoyed our free Veterans Day meal yesterday at Applebees.  Several restaurants around the city were having specials like that.  Picked up a free pizza too.  When they roll our obese bodies outta this house one day, we have nobody else to blame.  We just love food!

I am losing my desire to cook.  I think it's all the restrictions that has taken out the joy of cooking.  I miss mac N cheese, tuna cassroles, etc of my youth (if I stayed at someone's mother wasn't much on cooking)  But, I remember hanging out at friends' houses past dinnertime in hopes of being invited.  I know..that meant I was a pest who had to be sent home.  Usually if someone like that is in your life, remember there may be really good reasons they don't want to go home.

My cousin Nita says to keep writing even if short..wonder if that includes if they are boring, too. haha.


Anonymous said...

Hey Flo, Thanks for your blog and they are never boring. I always looked forward to reading them. I really missed them when you were not writing. I guess you could say you were fourloughed for awhile. Nita