Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I was trying to figure out why criticism hurts me so much. I think it's because when someone criticizes you, you feel ashamed of yourself. Shame is a terrible feeling. I grew up feeling that way about how we lived. The things going on in our home that were 'shameful'. I've never outgrown that feeling. I can push it far far to the background when I surround myself with loving people, God's people. When friends tell me they love me, or think I'm funny or just accept me with all my failings and fears the shame is gone. I know most of the shame comes from self talk that needs improving.

I hope the way I talk to others never brings them that feeling of shame. I need God's help to love without label. To embrace the person even if their lifestyle is contrary to mine. In many cases, the person is feeling enough blame and shame without my input. Shame can drive you to destructive feelings like worthlessness and even suicidal thoughts. I never want to be someone who brings those feelings to the surface in someone. Lord, help me to love as YOU do, unconditionally!!


hoovstir - Laurie said...

Dear Flo, I know so well that feeling you are describing. Thanks be to God that He has taken that feeling from me, however, I never forget how it feels or the events that brought that feeling into my life. As a child of God I know I am loved and the old things are past away and all things become new. I know he allowed me to experience those things so i can comfort others in the way He has comforted me. Our past allows us to reach people that others opens the doors for showing love and compassion toward others enabling us to build one another up. You do just that Flo! You are an amazing person, God's gift to us all! You are His child and you let His light shine filtered with His love!