Friday, October 15, 2010

One by One - dedicated to the miners rescued.

On August fifth, two thousand and ten,

A mine shaft in Chile gave way.

Trapping 33 miners below

In a rocky and dark deep grave.

They bored a hole down to their depth

But for 17 days not a sound

Then much to everyone’s surprise

A note came up from the ground.

“We’re alive and well. Please save us” it read.

Drillers and Miners formed a crew

They sent a video camera down

To bring those trapped below to view.

A modified telephone was installed

For communication with family and friends

The trapped sang the National Anthem to all.

Tears of hope seemed to pour without end.

The men chose a boss to keep order.

Rationing food, and assigning them shifts.

Dispelling their enemy, discouragement.

This normalcy their spirits did lift.

For sixty-nine days these thirty three men

Lived in hell, while above work began.

They created a capsule that could pull them out

Doing it man by man.

First they lowered an expert in rescue

Then paramedics to see who was hurt.

The men below greeted them all with joy.

Angels descending through dirt.

On October 12th the rescue began

The capsule a cage to freedom

One by one they brought men out

With the watchful eye of God to lead them.

The world was united as they watched their TVs.

This rescue of miners, what a sight!

Each man embraced by family and friends

Who thought they’d never see daylight.

God saved those miners, one by one

They were walking and talking..alive!

Without the grace of God

None would have ever survived.


Bob said...

Great Poem Flo. God always works on a one by one basis. This how he has been building his Kingdom since man begain. He will send an escape capsule for anyone who seeks the LORD.

Bob said...

This is a very moving poem Flo! You certainly do have a gift of writing. I look at your blog each day and really enjoyed looking at your vacation pictures of your cruise. Keep it up Flo! Nita said...

This brings tears to my eyes, thanks !
What a very moving poem --