Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nectarines...Softball anyone?

I went grocery shopping yesterday. As I rolled thru the produce I was astounded at the food displayed. Nectarines the size of softballs..only not soft...I heard one guy shout "go long". The loose leafed lettuce when I picked a bunch up hung down my hands like the greasy fries at the fair. Meat is another issue altogether..chicken breasts that can put any implant to's just not fun to shop anymore. I've seen some videos of raising chickens that made my skin crawl. I just don't trust our food. I'm not able to buy at the finest store, so it's probably less noticeable in a nice one. Not sure. But, we DO have to eat don't we. I'm tossing ideas of being vegetarian, or just eat pasta..but is it really pasta or maybe stiff worms who when boiled become themselves?? EEWWW.


Bob said...

Flo, Nita and I have shopping down to a science and more so now that I am retired. We go to WalMart, Super Target, Stator Brothers and Winco. We buy certain foods at each one to fit my newly scaled down grocery budget. We seldom buy fresh produce except for bananas, carrots, and blueberries. Everything else is prepackaged or frozen. We eat out every Saturday Morning and lunch on Sundays. I limit both to $25, about $14+$3 for tip at breakfast and $8 for a fast food Sunday often at the place we ate out after church with you guys.