Hi hepcats! Did ya miss me? We're back from our road trip and cruise vacation. It took a lot to prepare for this, right Bob?
We took two days driving to get to the "Mariner of the Seas" Royal Caribbean cruise ship. That thing is HUGE..900 feet long or so, 3000 aboard..a floating city!!
The huddled masses on deck around the three swimming pools.
The cruise is mostly promoting the purchase of diamonds and wine, but us nerds still enjoyed it!!! The food!!!! I'm in it for the food let's face it!! We dined in luxery every night. Two formal nights out of the seven.
Room service...
oh yeah, now we're talkin!
We went to Cabo where I had some food that may have caused the Mexican quick step that night..vomiting and giddy-ups. The rest of the cruise I wasn't quite myself, but managed to keep eating..haha. It was a quick weight loss so I finished the cruise without gaining any weight..boast boast.
We had a fabulous port stop at Mazatlan, however. We took a Trolly tour of the city and they stopped at very interesting places. At this big church they were holding mass,
but we were allowed in anyway.
I was skipping off to a department store restroom (Banos) when Bob saw a parade outside the church.
My bladder causes me so much grief...hehe.
We saw venders selling all kinds of stuff...hats..jewelry
We ate at a very nice ocean side outdoor cafe. I enjoyed a nap
and cuttin up with the Trolly driver.
That was my favorite stop.
Puerto Vallara was another story. Oh my garsh. We foolishly believed the guy pushin us to take a van tour. Promises of this stop, and that. We piled into the van with 8 others and I immediatly got claustrophobic and drop kicked Bob into my seat and threw a very nice lady over against the window so I could have her spot near the door. It was soooo stinkin hot!!! The promised air condition was missin some freon or whatever it's called cuz it wasn't workin!!!! This guy took us to the ugliest parts of Puerto Vallara. We saw the beautiful part whizzin by the dirty windows with no pause to take any pictures.
First stop...a hole in the wall jewelry store for free Marquitas. Yeah right...we don't drink, but even I could tell they were watered down. Bob and I drank our thimble full of pepsi. Next stop was along the very bumpy road where we could be enticed to buy junk from the roadside "mall" .
Coconut anyone?
So many Iquanas...so little time. After that stop, it was off to the jungles. We drove for miles and miles being jerked side to side and back and forth in the van as the driver weaved around potholes big enough to disappear in. We did eat a snack lunch at a very nice outdoor cafe.
Needless to say, we were sweaty and exhausted after that "tour" and headed for the pool to recover.
I love cruising. The shows were fabulous.
I saw a spectacular ice show..amazing what they can do on so small a rink.
After the cruise, we headed south to San Diego to visit my aunt and worked our way north in California visiting family.
We stopped to visit Alcatraz
while in San Francisco..fasinating. I hope I never go to prison!!!
We had an uneventful return drive home and now it's over. We have 400 pictures, a hat, a tee shirt and my continuing stomach problem to cherish as memories of one of the best vacations we've taken. I'd do it again in a heartbeat..well..except eating at that cafe in Cabo. But, we learn don't we!! Adios.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Cruises ROCK!!
Posted by Flo at 8:56 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
bye bye
Writing this from a hotel and tomorrow we board "The Mariner of the Sea" cruise ship for 7 nights. I'm sooo excited..betcha I won't sleep a wink tonight!!
I've read their food isn't very good..that's sad..cuz you know I'm a FOODY from the word go!!!! I go everywhere for the food!!! But, I can't wait.
We had a nice drive down..stayed in one hotel...now in another one..then I can UNPACK!! I'm so blessed that's for sure!!!!
See you landlovers later!!! Flo
Posted by Flo at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
One more time
I lifted the giant suitcase out of the trunk...again. Repack! I had put the suitcase into the trunk of the car to remove the temptation to re-pack after the 6th time. Did that stop me? NO! What is with this? I'm on the internet researching 'packing'..rolling, bundling, folding...which is best? Too many options. We are going on a cruise, combined with road trip, so it's not like I can stuff a duffle bag with grubbies and be done with it. Oh the joy of camping in a tent...where it doesn't matter!!! Walk around in tee shirts that are as wrinkled as me and no bigee..but there's beautiful young bikini girls I have to compete with on a ship!!! If I have to be elderly..let me at least look nice. Darn FORMAL nights, too.
Oh sure, my husband says "I only have eyes for you!" Yeah right. He'd have to be dead not to look when a young thin girl walks by. Yes, he has LUSTING under control and yes he has DISCIPLINE of his mind, but the guy can only take so much. Anyway..back to the packing and unpacking. The final decision...drum roll.. is to leave groups of clothes on hangers and lay into the big suitcase..flatten center..lay a "bundle" of soft things there and fold the pants legs/sleeves back over the "bundle". Shoes along the side, and various 'stuff'. We'll see how this works. I think next time I will wait til we're about to leave to pack instead of a week ahead..haha..I can't leave it alone!!!
In two weeks this will all be a memory and my suitcase will be full of dirty clothes, wrinkled, and unfashionable. Bon Voyage y'all!!!
Posted by Flo at 1:05 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
Spa Day
I had a spa day today. I'd won it in a drawing. First you go in and fill out forms..then are escorted to "your own locker with robe, toga and slippers". pitter pat into the massage room..get nekkid..climb onto the massage 'bed' and lay your face in the padded hole. Now there's a ring that won't go away for a few hours..LOL. They need boob holes on those tables too..hehe.
Oh miss Muscles came in and went to work..I LOVED it..it hurt like crazy cuz I have Fibromyalgia, but it hurt good..if that makes sense.
After 50 minutes in there...I pitter patted my way into the facial room...climb in another 'bed' and went thru a series of wet, warm, sticky, misty, cold, 'things' applied to my face. I felt like my skin was 20 years younger!!!
Next was the pedicure...oh and to top that off...that's where they delivered my lunch. I was so excited by then I ate feta...and I hate feta. Psssst...comere...I drank a small glass of wine too..that made me all RE-LAXED. I tell you being pampered is the greatest!!! Those movie stars take this for granted, but not me. It was fabulous!!!!
Posted by Flo at 6:39 PM 0 comments
It's my blog
It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, it's my blog!! My foot hurts!!!! I think it's a return of Morton's Neuroma..a nerve problem that resulted in surgery a few years ago. We are getting ready to go on vacation. A road trip to California, including a 7 day cruise as well. Last year on vacation I had a torn cartilage in my knee so was using a wheel chair most of the time and now this. I am soooooo frustrated!!!! I want a vacation without pain or restriction not only for my sake but my poor husband's. Taint fair!!! The vacation is falling apart from family illness so we've already cut off the trip to San Diego after our cruise. That's a couple of days we'll have to find something to do. The family we usually stay with has medical problems so we won't be staying with them...ok devil...enough already!!!! Get thee behind me!!! We ARE going to enjoy ourselves. I have prayer warriors working on my foot as we speak!!! God is faithful right?
I wonder if other people use their blog to whine? Don't read this..you'll just get bored. I wrote in Facebook I just didn't want the vacation to be: Board the ship..drag Flo. Tour the Mexican turf..drag Flo. See Alcatraz..drag Flo. etc etc. Something like that. We'll deal with it!!! Right now on Monday it'll be Go to the State Fair...drag Flo.
Posted by Flo at 9:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Nectarines...Softball anyone?
I went grocery shopping yesterday. As I rolled thru the produce I was astounded at the food displayed. Nectarines the size of softballs..only not soft...I heard one guy shout "go long". The loose leafed lettuce when I picked a bunch up hung down my hands like the greasy fries at the fair. Meat is another issue altogether..chicken breasts that can put any implant to shame...it's just not fun to shop anymore. I've seen some videos of raising chickens that made my skin crawl. I just don't trust our food. I'm not able to buy at the finest store, so it's probably less noticeable in a nice one. Not sure. But, we DO have to eat don't we. I'm tossing ideas of being vegetarian, or just eat pasta..but is it really pasta or maybe stiff worms who when boiled become themselves?? EEWWW.
Posted by Flo at 9:52 AM 1 comments