Wednesday, May 31, 2017

3rd anniversary

3 years ago today my son died.  He lay in his apt until June 3rd.  The records have to show date of death as June 3rd, 2014 because that's when his body was found.  It's on his death certificate.

It's really hard to lose a child.  I look at baby pictures of him and those impact me more than current ones...not sure why.

 He was 32 when he died, so still young.  Jesus was 33 when He died.  I believe God knows how my heart feels.

Michael and I were close until the divorce.  We had a falling out shortly after so for quite a few years it was me pursuing him.  I began to see a bit of progress when suddenly and without warning..he was gone.

Without the Lord I am quite sure I'd be a basket case.  He has sustained me and guarded my heart from hurt these 3 years.  My husband is a rock, also.  I'm very blessed.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day 2017

I know it's about honoring veterans who lost their lives on the battle field and perhaps other deaths among our loved ones.  But, it's also about freedom from work for one day for many.  It's about family getting together or friends.  We started our day with breakfast out with good friends.  Oh sure the place was over priced, but these people are worth it.  Thank you, Doug, for arranging this.

We're home and have just assembled shish Kebobs to BBQ outside.  Just hubby and me.  I'm blessed to have a husband who enjoys planning events as I'm such a stump.  I could just sit for hours.  We did take a 30 min walk earlier so maybe a 90 percent stump.  Thank you to all you veterans who gave your life so I can be free.  Free to worship my God.  Free to come and go without restraint...other than the restraint that goes along with the aging process..ugh.

Enjoy your day.  Be thankful.  God bless you and yours.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

TV and dogs

Good morning.  It's of my favorite days cuz "Bluebloods" ya know.  All day.  We switched from cable to antenna a few months ago, but fortunately I can still get some of my favorite shows.  We added "Sling" which gives some of the lost cable programs like Food Network and HGTV and we also added "Feelin" for some decent movies.  Netflix completes the package.  Ok, I am impressed that you don't watch hours of TV..that you're out there pulling weeds and planting flowers.  My thumb is not green.  There is one tulip that I planted years ago that is so forgiving it shows up every spring...Otherwise that's hubby's turf out there.

Took my usual walk this morning and got a bit nervous when I heard like maybe 5 dogs barking suddenly at once...small ones that go arf arf and large ones woof was around a corner so I ventured forward cautiously reminding myself Jesus walks with me and He ain't afraid of dogs.  By the time I rounded the corner all was quiet.  Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Hello it's Wednesday

Hello.  It's Wednesday morning on May 24, 2017.  Been awhile since I've written anything. L-a-z-y.  I feel I should be blogging at least.  Trying to keep a Journal just ends up being a whine fest.  Anybody else find that true?

Our teacher did not show up at my house for the Writing Class Finale potluck, so I entertained 4 charming wonderful men who also brought the food.  We shared our work, eat the food and had a great final class.

I'll try to make this blog interesting, but no promises.  My cleverness is being replaced by aging and complaining about aches and pains.  As Betty Davis said "aging ain't for sissies".  Or something like that.  I thank God I am healthy enough to walk daily for 30 minutes and am reasonably agile.  I dropped a donut yesterday and picked it up, so yes, I do squats!

Have a great Wednesday!!