Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Remember, Repent, Return

I'm taking classes called "The Truth Project". A video series sponsored by Focus on the Family. It's fantastic and it includes a lot of history. I read the five attributes that marked the decline of Rome.
1. An increasing love of show and luxury
2. An obsession w/sex, including homosexuality
3. Freakishness in the arts masquerading as 'originality'
4. Enthusiasms pretending to be 'creativity'
5. An increased desire to live off the State

This sounds so familar to our day here in the United States doesn't it. I've also read where homosexuality is allowed to flourish, the city, country etc will fall.

The Bible says in end times, good will be called bad, and bad called good. We're there as far as I'm concerned. All around me I see the above attributes. Call me a religious fanatic, but I know what I've read in my Bible and see around me. God will not be mocked and I don't think He's liking what He sees either.

It's time to remember what our country was founded on and repent and return to it. Without religion, there are no absolutes or morals. We are bent toward sinning in and of our own flesh.
I see a lot of lost people walking around trying to give their lives meaning by pleasure and it's not filling that God shaped vacuum inside.

People, please please, seek the Lord while He may be found before it's too late!! There is a Heaven to be gained and a Hell to be shunned. We will spend eternity in one of those two places.

I'm so scared for my family who don't love God and His Son, Jesus enough to accept Him as Lord and Savior because they don't want to give up "the good life". Don't want to be held accountable, well, we all will be judged by a Holy God someday. I want to be found faithful!

I know this is a serious post. I'll try to get back to wit and fun soon. Remember, repent, return.


Bob said...

Don't be scared about your family that don't love the LORD. Nita and I have plenty like this. Give them plenty of room to to be part of your family without all the preaching we may want to do. HE alone knows the deepest heart and we cannot be alowed to worry about it. It is the work of GOD and not of us. All we can do is let the light shine and say nothing else.

Flo said...

you are so right..let my light shine and my salt flavor, right!!! But, I'm such a great worrier..heh!!!

Bob said...

What is the difference between Rome of long ago and the US today? It is very similar except for the fact that our country gives out more aid to world disasters and relief than any country in history. Rome never did this. Also we provide the foundation for all missionary work in the world from which Rome had none. We will survive until the LORD APPEARS.