Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Love yourself!

Do you find yourself with boyfriends or girlfriends (if you're a guy) that hurt you? Mistreat you? Look deep within and see how you feel about yourself. Do you feel you are unlovable? Do you reject yourself? If so, you will unconsciously gravitate toward the opposite sex who will confirm that what you believe about yourself is true. If you meet someone who is kind and wants to love you, inside that doesn't match up, so you reject that person and tell yourself.."there's something wrong with this person if he loves ME". Once you realize how loved you are by God and are of great worth, then you'll unconsciously gravitate toward a kind man (woman). Their love for you will fit with your new feelings of worth and value and you won't be so quick to reject them. I know this to be true as this was me not so long ago.