Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sister to sister

Women. Lots of wonderful women. I just got home from a women's gathering at church and it was fun!! At first I felt unsure, shy, but God's spirit residing within us, joined us and made us sisters. The food was off the chart!! Oh sure, there wasn't any bacon, but women generally don't eat like a logger..I do. I observed so many women from different walks of life, experiences, childhoods, the pain sometimes etched in faces, others with mostly laugh lines. But, we were there, together, survivors. Some started as total strangers, but within ten minutes walking with arms around each other sharing a kinship of some sort. All ages, shapes, sizes and personalities...but a family. I thank God for women friends. They love you without any condemnation, expectation and always validate what you say without criticism. I am pretty sure it's God's love in them that makes that possible so quickly. It was great!! The video below sums it up I think! (paste it into your browser to go there)


chelsea said...

Got your comment on Trader Joe's!
You can definitely do all your shopping there! Ours is a smaller TJ's, so if I have specifics on my menu, I often get most of my stuff at TJ's, then stop at Kroger for the rest of the items on my list. Everything there is just fresher and often for a much better price. It's actually the only grocery I've been to in 2 weeks!
Hope you love it!

Flo said...

well I sure hope they follow thru and put TJ into that mall...the closet one is 50 miles north. You've got me excited!! Do they have produce/dairy by chance?