Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Get in there!!"

Have you ever wrestled bedding into submission in order to get it back into that tiny lil plastic bag to return? I was doin that at midnight last night!! I decided the duvet was way too heavy and hot. It took insomnia to motivate me. I don't think my husband knew I'd left the bed dragging that duvet covered comforter with me in the dark. God must laugh at His people sometimes!! I was panting and sweatin' when I finally zipped it shut. Well yeah, the bag did split and sure the label was mangled from stuffing and stuffing, but by golly the store took it back. That's my resistance excercise for the day!! Hubby will be happy there's $30.00 back in the checkbook!!


Stacey,momof 2 said...

was it worth the $30.00
thanks for the visual-- I needed a smile and a chuckle!