Friday, July 22, 2011


Such a simple gesture really..stopping to buy me roses and a card that says "Just because I love you". It's been many years and was totally unexpected. I wish men knew how much an "out of the blue" gift that is not only beautiful, but affirms your mate of your love is important. We know you mow the lawn, fix things around the house, take care of yourself by having physicals and yes, these do say "I love you". But, the unexpected is a lovely way to express it, also. Thank you Bob!!


Bob said...

Did Bob sing Roses are Red and Vilots are Blue to you(HA)? Nice thing he did. I am doing as much as I can for Nita with all that happened this summer. Our vacation is eating 2 breakfasts out each week and planning a one night stay at one of our beaches in early August. After talking to one of our pastors we are doing better. Jeanna is improving.

Flo said...

Time will also help with healing. I cannot imagine such a loss. Jeanna will go back and forth in how she handles her own time and way. That is definately something we do uniquely..grieve. Love ya cuz!